25 Herlington, Orton Malborne

Peterborough, PE2 5PN

Free parking by the shop

Phone: 01733 233501

Current Opening Hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9.00am-4.30pm

Thursday 9.00am-2.00pm

Saturday 9.00am-4.00pm

*Closed Bank Holidays


Wedding Dress Cleaning in Peterborough

With decades of Wedding Dress cleaning experience, we offer a reliable and quality Wedding Dress cleaning service in Peterborough.

All Wedding Dresses are cleaned  on-site at our Orton Malborne Dry Cleaners.

Dresses are assessed for marks/stains and pre-treated where necessary. Your garment is then expertly cleaned, pressed and either hung in a clear garment-cover or, alternatively, we offer a Wedding Dress Preservation & boxing service.

We can work to your timeframes of when you require your dress to be completed but, ideally, at least a few weeks is helpful to ensure we can give each Wedding Dress the time it deserves.

Our prices are based on size, amount of layers, amount of pre-spotting required, and complexity of pressing. Our Wedding Dress cleaning prices start from £95, and are not normally more than £130.

Preservation & Boxing

If you would like your dress boxed for storage and preservation, we offer a plain-white, acid-free wedding dress box in 3 sizes. With prices from £24.99 - £34.99 depending on size required. Your dress will be gently wrapped in acid-free tissue paper (to help prevent yellowing over time) before being presented in your custom-made wedding dress box.

If you would like to drop your dress off we can either provide a quote at the counter, or call you back for a no-obligation quotation.

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